Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Turner not optimistic about world's future
Do Not Engage Mouth Until Brain is in Gear Dept.:
"If I had to predict, the way things are going, I'd say the chances are about 50-50 that humanity will be extinct or nearly extinct within 50 years...Weapons of mass destruction, disease, I mean this global warming is scaring the living daylights out of me."

"The most dangerous thing in the world right now is the fact the Russian and American nuclear missiles, 10 years after the Cold War is over, are still a hair-trigger away with less than 10 minutes response time from two presidents who thankfully are together today."
-So they're "thankfully together" but it's still dangerous? I see. And you'd rather we not be protected from a Russian leader who has reinstated many of his KGB cronies to high levels of gov't.

"We spent $87 billion to blow Iraq up [all of it? Really? When did this happen?] and then we spent another $87 billion to put it back together, [again, when did this happen? Here I thought the bill just got out of markup from the Senate Approps, I must be slow today] and all to get one man and we still haven't got him...Talk about a failure."
-Yeah, I guess you were hiding out with Dick Cheney in an "undisclosed location" so our armed forces couldn't get the guy they were really after.

But this one really puts it all into perspective for us:
"I said 20 years ago newspapers wouldn't be around in 10 years, and I was wrong."
-Ted Turner


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