Friday, July 08, 2005

More $ for terrorists

Among the results of the just-concluded G8 summit is a pledge by the member states to give $3 billion dollars to the Palestinian Authority so that, in the words of British PM Tony Blair, "two states, Israel and Palestine, two peoples and two religions can live side-by-side in peace." The White House release merely states that the G8 leaders recommited themselves to advancing peace in the region by "stimulating financial contributions over the coming three years to help build the Palestinian economy; and calling for an absolute ends to all acts of violence and terrorism."

Before I get completely cynical, I just hope that the money will be distributed under aegis of transparent and accountable organizations that will keep track of where the money goes, in whose hands, and to whom. They deserve better living conditions but the question is whether that's what the money will be used for, or if it will merely feed the corrupt and fickle regime in Ramallah.

Also, $50B for Africa.


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