Saturday, June 18, 2005

All Politics Are Local

As I walked to shul last night (the Agudah), I saw a sign that announced that The Committee to Elect David Cedar as our next New York City Councilman will be kicking off the campaign this Sunday morning at the Agudath Israel of Staten Island (46 Birchard Ave.) at 10AM. In attendance will be local community leaders, "rabbi's" [sic], and mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner.

Obviously Cedar, father of three boys, is running on the Democratic ticket. But in case you weren't sure, he's running against the entrenched and warmly supported Minority Leader in the Council, Jim Oddo. Now, if that weren't enough to convince you that he ain't got a shot in the world, he's running as a Democract in the only Republican borough in the city in a district that, three years ago, was not very kind to Libby Hikind's candidacy for the same position.

For starters, I don't think he has strong name recognition within the orthodox Jewish community let alone the district. Maybe that's why he's starting his campaign so early. But most people that don't daven (pray) at the Agudah (i.e. members of the Young Israel of Staten Island) were completely unaware of the event which is unfortunate for Cedar (his campaign manager, if he has one, should be fired for not doing a good job on p.r.) because the Young Israel has a considerably larger membership (several hundred families, compared to maybe 150) that is also considerably wealthier and fairly politically connected. After all, when Vito Fossella is up for re-election he doesn't speak at the Agudah on Succos, he speaks at the Young Israel.

Several people I spoke to today (who had been previously unaware of his campaign) were disturbed that sorely needed funds would be siphoned away from local tzedakos (Jewish charities) into a political campaign doomed for failure.

I'll keep you posted.

Well, good luck with that, Mr. Cedar.


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