Monday, August 15, 2005

Charles Ellis Schumer (& Quote of the Day)

Hah, betcha didn't know that Ellis is the middle name of NY's senior senator...yes, it's inspired by the island, go figure! (It's also what POTUS calls him, fyi).

Some other notable comments from a sycophantic WaPo article:
"Sharing a media market with Chuck Schumer is like sharing a banana with a monkey; take a little bite of it, and he will throw his own feces at you."
--Senator Jon Corzine, D-NJ.

During Schumer's easy reelection campaign in 2004, his opponent, state Assemblyman Howard Mills, announced that he would "plant 25 trees to replace the trees killed last year to print Chuck Schumer's press releases.''
Also, while he was raised a Reform Jew, he,
admires modern Orthodoxy's "blend of modernity and tradition."
And then he goes on to talk about Chinese food...the kind with shrimp, not glatt-kosher chicken.


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